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why don't they take it?
On August 24th, Japan initiated a project to release radiation-contaminated water from the Fukushima nuclear plant into the Pacific Ocean. This plant was damaged in 2011 after an earthquake and tsunami struck the area. The natural disasters compromised its cooling system, leading to overheating of the core, which started releasing highly radioactive material. Photo: Fukushima Japan Over a decade after this tragic incident, the country aims to dispose of all the contaminated material, enough to fill 500 Olympic-sized swimming pools, within the next 30 years. However, despite numerous tests and…
Big ben and God samething
The Book of Spirits was the first book in the codification of Spiritism done by Allan Kardec. Based on it, it's possible to understand an explanation of the creation of the Universe through the lens of Spiritism. Photo: The meaning of the Universe, in the book, is explained as follows: “The Universe comprises the infinity of worlds we see and those we don't, all animated and inanimate beings, all the celestial bodies that move in space, as well as the fluids that fill it.” The Universe is a work of God and it's not eternal like God is. Being eternal means it had n…


Hacking password
Behold, the password is 90% accurate. Unbelievable. Photo: A research study employed artificial intelligence to detect passwords and typed data through the recognition of keyboard sounds during typing. The survey was conducted using audio captured from a Zoom call and also from a n…

Prompts to streamline
Learn how to use ChatGPT examples to make your chatbot experience easier and optimize the results you get. Photo: The ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence tool that has become popular and widely used for a variety of tasks, including text generation, language translation, and crea…
YouTube Tricks
Discover 4 tools to make turning audio into text easier. Check it out! Transcribing audio into text is a task that can be accomplished through various artificial intelligence (AI) technologies, including speech recognition algorithms and natural language processing. Different solutions vary in term…
How much can i earn
earnings forecast
Photo: The maximum Social Security retirement benefit payable in the USA can vary based on factors such as your earnings history, the age at which you start receiving benefits, and whether you're eligible for any other Social Security benefits (such as spousal benefi…
Retirement calculator
your benefits
Absolutely, understanding your potential Social Security income is a crucial aspect of retirement planning. Social Security's benefit calculators provide a glimpse into what your future payments might look like. Photo: The amount of Social Security income you'll rec…

windows 12 release
Release date
Learn all about Windows 12, the upcoming generation of Microsoft's operating system, including the release date, new features, and various rumors surrounding it. Photo: According to experts, Windows 12 is expected to be released in 2024. Considering that Microsoft's…
wifi 6 standard
Up to 9,6 Gbps
The Wi-Fi Alliance finalized the specifications for Wi-Fi 6 in 2020, and the wireless network standard was officially launched by the IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) in May 2021. Photo: Wifi 6 Wi-Fi 6 succeeded 802.11ac (Wi-Fi 5) and promised greater speeds…
for sleepers

Worldcoin plunges 50% amid data privacy fears

On July 25, 1,673 addresses completed transactions with WLD. A month later, on August 25, fewer than 150 addresses had transacted with the ChatGPT founder's cryptocurrency. Photo: Worldcoin historical chart In the month of August, the major cryptocurrencies in the market faced a decline of around 1…
for sleepers
On July 25, 1,673 addresses completed transactions with WLD. A month later, on August 25, fewer than 150 addresses had transacted with the ChatGPT founder's cryptocurrency. Photo: Worldcoin historical chart In the month of August, the major cryptocurrencies in the market faced a decline of around 10%. However, the…
Metamask offers a compelling alternative for those who wish to keep their assets stored outside of trading platforms. Let's delve into what Metamask is, how it works, which digital currencies it supports, and how to create your own wallet. Photo: Metamask, with its adorable redesigned fox logo remi…
for newbies
Cryptocurrency refers to any form of currency that exists digitally or virtually and uses cryptography to ensure the execution of transactions. Cryptocurrencies don't have a central issuing or regulating authority. Instead, they utilize a decentralized system to record transactions and issue new un…
trend is here to stay
The world of cryptocurrencies goes beyond the financial market, offering advantages not only to investors but also to companies and nations. Photo = Coin designs that allude to digital currencies You are likely aware that cryptocurrencies offer a financial investment option. They provide the potent…
A North Korean government-backed hacker group has allegedly breached an American IT management company, exploiting it as a launching pad to attack an undisclosed number of cryptocurrency firms. Photo: A group of hackers backed by the North Korean government has reportedly infiltrat…

high resolution images on whatsapp
photos upgrade
In August, WhatsApp announced a feature that allows users to send images in high quality through the application, which stands as the most widely used app in Brazil Photo: This feature is activated through a button in the content sending interface. In the post unvei…
Instagram Subscription
Even with the arrival of Instagram Subscription, paid content should not surpass free creations, according to experts. Photo Source: Platforms like OnlyFans and Twitch have already paved the way for content subscription models, but the growing adoption of this trend on Instag…
hum can't believe it
What comes next ? nobody knows… Photo = Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg duel The CEO of Meta expressed frustration as a competitor fails to reach an agreement and presents various reasons for not engaging in a fight. Mark Zuckerberg will now proceed with his plans in the realm of jiu-jitsu. And as…

why don't they take it?
On August 24th, Japan initiated a project to release radiation-contaminated water from the Fukushima nuclear plant into the Pacific Ocean. This plant was damaged in 2011 after an earthquake and tsunami struck the area. The natural disasters compromised its cooling system, leading to overheating of…
Big ben and God samething
The Book of Spirits was the first book in the codification of Spiritism done by Allan Kardec. Based on it, it's possible to understand an explanation of the creation of the Universe through the lens of Spiritism. Photo: The meaning of the Universe, in the book, is explained as foll…
for aliens
Drawing inspiration from ancient Egyptians, it will offer future civilizations a glimpse into life on Earth during the 1930s. Photo = Over 80 years ago, the largest time capsule was sealed, destined to remain closed for over 6,000 years. The concept originated with historian Thornwe…